Thursday, October 2, 2008

Does sweating cause acne

« ...• Peppers - The nutrients in peppers are good for liver health and constipation. Its minerals are good for neutralizing acid waste. Not only good for you, but they liven up any bland food. ...
...Acne can be a difficult subject to talk to your kids about, because will probably be embarrassed, particularly if they have a lot of pimples or blackheads. You know how best to approach your child, but most probably you'll want to be supportive and understanding. Educate yourself about the difference between myths and facts: the myths about buttery foods, chocolate, or sex causing acne are now known to be untrue. Most likely, your teenager is already trying everything he or she knows of to control the problem. Even if they are unwilling to talk about it, it's probably one of their major concerns. It can affect self-esteem and relations with peers, and in severe cases can lead to depression and social withdrawal....»
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«...Treatment methods have been around for hundreds of years, and people have always been trying to find a cure for acne. Some treatments have been more effective than others, and now with the advent of technology and medicine, more possibilities in treating acne have arisen. ...»
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tags: face scrubs for acne scars, acne and spots for black women, acne treatments if oral antibiotics doesn't work

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